Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010


6 Pulau Seram, Menegangkan, dan Menakutkan Di Dunia

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6. Ilha de Queimada Grande Alias Pulau Ular Ini pulau dipenuhi oleh ular. Pernah ada nelayan yang nyasar kesana, trus pulang-pulang perahunya darah semua Uler yang memenuhi pulau ini jenisnya Golden Lancehead. Racunnya termasuk salah satu yang terganas, bisa bikin daging busuk ampe ke tulang.. hueee. Dah gitu uler jenis ini cuman ada di pulau itu. Blom bisa ngebayangin ngerinya? 5. Pulau Poveglia Pulau ini ada di daerah perairan Venice, Italia. Awalnya gara-gara orang Romawi jaman dulu, dengan ‘baik hati’ nyari tempat buat karantina orang2 yang kena virus mematikan di jaman itu. Trus ya Pulau Poveglia ini terpilih mendapat ‘kehormatan’ tersebut, dimana ribuan orang sakit itu akhirnya mati bareng-bareng. Beberapa abad kemudian, virus Bubonic nyerang Eropa, dan pulau ini kembali ke masa ‘kejayaan’ nya sebagai tempat piknik terakhir buat orang-orang sekarat. waktu virusnya makin parah, akhirnya smua yang kliatan sakit dikit langsung dikirim ke Pulau Poveglia. Kebijakan buat ‘ngebiarin ampe mati ndiri’ juga diganti jadi ‘lempar smua org sakit itu ke lobang gede (yg di dalemnya banyak mayat) trus bakarrrrr’. Total jumlah kematian di pulai inipun jadi sekitar 160.000 nyawa. http://www.khurak.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Poveglia-Island.jpg Seolah belom cukup serem, taon 1922 di pulau berbau mayat penyakitan ini dibangun RSJ. Gosipnya dokter-dokter jiwa disana itu suka nyiksa pasiennya dengan naroh di atas tower, trus cuek aja waktu pasiennya teriak-teriak ngeliat hantu penyakitan. Kabar selanjutnya, dokter-dokter disana akhirnya juga mati smua dilempar dari tower ama hantu penyakitan. Lewat beberapa taon, ada segerombol orang dikirim buat tinggal disana. Tapi besoknya pada balik lagi karena katanya malem2 banyak suara orang jerit-jerit dan penampakan. Jadi, ampe sekarang ngga ada yg nempatin Pulau Poveglia. Kecuali ente ngitung ratusan ribu hantu gentayangan itu sebagai penduduk… 4. Pulau Ramree Taon 1945, jaman Perang Dunia II, 900 tentara jepang dikirim kesana. Waktu lagi keliling, jalannya kehalang ama rawa. Dikira asik2 aje, masuknya 900 tentara itu kesana. 500 ilang tanpa kabar. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Indian_Div_beside_temple_on_Ramree_Island.jpg Ni pulau dihuni ama nyamuk malaria, kalajengking yang mematikan, dan BUANYAK BUANGET buaya laut. Tentara yang selamet itu mayoritas luka parah sampe2 ngarep mending mati aja. Kejadian ini saking serunya, sampe masup Guinness Book of World Records’ “Greatest disaster suffered from animals.” 3. Pulau Izu Letaknya di wilayah Jepang. Pulau ini udaranya dipenuhin ama gas sulfur dengan konsentrasi tertinggi di seluruh dunia. Tapi gapapa, kan ga ada yang tinggal disana.. Eh, masih ada yang tinggal disana? Yup..orang2 di pulau ini sehari2 hidupnya musti make masker terus. Di tengah malem, sirene bakalan bunyi karena konsentrat gas sulfurnya parah sampe2 kalo dihirup gitu aja bakal mati dengan sukses. Orang2 disana ngabisin hidupnya dengan cara ini. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Dk9RvVuj7wc/0.jpg Yah, paling ngga mereka dibayar. Sama siapa? Ya sama peneliti.. Mereka dibayar murah karena peneliti2 mao tau gimana kalo orang2 itu idup make masker gas dan ngirup udara penuh sulfur. Oh iya, di pulau ini juga ada lempengan tektonik yang bisa ngehasilin gempa superdahsyat. 2. Pulau Sampah Pasifik Pernah nonton pilem yang bumi ngebuang sampah ke angkasa? Mirip ama ni pulau, tapi dengan lebih banyak sampah dan tanpa roket. Jadi, tiap kali Amerika ato Cina ngebuang sampah ke laut, benda2 itu semua ngumpul ke tempat yang sama, namanya North Pacific Gyre. Makin lama, sampahnya makin numpuk en sekarang udah jadi pulau segede Texas. Plastik nggak terurai, tapi bisa ancur sampe kecil2, bahkan sampe segede plankton. Dan ikan itu bukan makhluk super pinter, jadi kalo liat yang mirip2 plankton, langsung embat aje. Jadi nanti rantai makanan bakal jadi : ikan makan plastik, kita makan ikan, trus kita eeq plastik.. balik lagiii… http://www.ahrtp.com/EG_Images7/NorthPacific_Gyre_alabatros_dead_opt525x394.jpg Ngga mungkin ada plastik sebanyak itu? Hmm, peneliti pernah ngambil aer
laut dari daerah pulau sampah ini, dan hasilnya jumlah kandungan
plastik 6x lebih banyak daripada jumlah plankton. Mari sama2 makan
Oh iya, jangan coba2 berdiri di atas pulau sampah ini, soalnya bakal langsung kejeblos ke laut, trus tempat ente jatoh tadi uda ketutup ama sampah lagi. jadi ente bakal tenggelem di bawah sampah, jadi makanan hiu.. Yihaaaa.


10 Pulau Terindah di Dunia

Setiap pulau memiliki keunikan dan karakteristil masing-masing, Berikut ini adalah pulau-pulau terindah di dunia karena keunikannya dan banyaknya wisatawan yang berkunjung, semoga Indonesia dapat menjadikan dan mengelola pulaunya sehingga dikunjungi banyak wisatawan :)
Pertama (1st)

Usedom: The Singing Island
Though anchored to the German coast with bridges at both north and south ends (and a railway over the northern bridge), Usedom lies so far east that the eastern tip is actually part of Poland — you can walk down the beach from Ahlberg to the large commercial port of Swinoujscie. But it’s the German side that’s the tourist magnet, a beloved getaway since the early 19th century; Usedom has been nicknamed the “Bathtub of Berlin.” Usedom’s other nickname, “the singing island,” came about because the white sand of its 25-mile strand is so fine that it squeaks when you walk on it. A handful of nearby “wellness hotels” and thermal baths preserve old-world spa traditions. Landscaped garden promenades, open-air concert pavilions, and tree-lined side streets hark back to genteel seaside holiday traditions; each resort town also has a long pleasure pier extending into the Baltic, where you can still envision a parade of ladies with parasols and bustled dresses and gents in well-cut linen suits.
Kedua :( 2nd)

Bora Bora: Romantic Heaven on Earth
French Polynesia
Nothing says “ultimate honeymoon” quite like Bora Bora. The word is out — and has been for some time — about this French Polynesian island’s extraordinary natural beauty, and Bora Bora’s remoteness and high prices have kept the island’s luxurious mystique intact. Enchanting Bora Bora belongs to the exclusive, “so-preposterously-gorgeous-it-doesn’t-seem-natural” club of travel destinations. Even the most jaded globe-trotter duly drops his jaw when confronted with the spectacle of the lagoon and the iconic silhouette of Mount Otemanu in the background. Many visitors, in fact, never get farther than that perfect tableau of paradise, but excursions to the main island and its lofty interior are how you’ll get to the real heart of Bora Bora.
Ketiga :( 3rd)

Prince Edward Island: Beyond Green Gables
Sometimes all the Anne of Green Gables hoopla around Prince Edward Island gets to be a bit much. How can a century-old series of children’s books define an entire Canadian province? Drive around PEI’s low rolling hills blanketed in trees and crops, and that bucolic past celebrated in Lucy Maud Montgomery’s books makes sense after all. Beyond the jagged coast with its inlets and historic fishing villages, you’ll discover that small farms make up the island’s backbone. You can get in touch with the island’s Acadian heritage at the five Rusticos: the coastal villages of North Rustico, South Rustico, Rusticoville, Rustico Harbour, and Anglo Rustico. This inevitably brings you to Cavendish, the vortex of Anne of Green Gables country. You can see the farmstead that started it all, Green Gables, a solid white mid-19th-century farmhouse with green shutters (and, naturally, green gable points) that belonged to cousins of author Montgomery.
Keempat :( 4th)

Gorgona: Welcome to the Jungle
It hasn’t taken long for nature to regain complete control of Gorgona Island. From the 1950s to the 1980s, this landmass in the Pacific was a maximum security prison — Colombia’s Alcatraz — but the facility was closed and declared a natural national park in 1985; the jail buildings are now overgrown with dense vegetation, complete with monkeys swinging from vine to vine. Gorgona is one of those places where the natural environment is almost comically inhospitable to humans. Visitors who come ashore at Gorgona today are strictly supervised, limited to groups of 80 at a time, and forbidden from wandering too far away from the coastline, for fear of encountering deadly critters. Gorgona shelters a wealth of endemic plant and animal species in its rainforests, including the small (and endangered) blue lizard of Gorgona. Gorgona also has some of the finest sandy beaches in Colombia, backed by palm trees and a thick curtain of green, letting you know that the creepy-crawly jungle is never far away on this island.

Kelima :( 5th)

Malta: Crossroads of the Mediterranean
Walking the streets of most any Maltese town, you get the vague sense that you’re in some kind of greatest hits of European architecture — a little London here, echoes of Paris there, maybe a touch of Rome in that baroque church facade. And it’s no wonder: the Phoenicians, the Carthaginians, the Romans, the knights of St. John, the French, and the British all swept in from their respective compass points and left indelible reminders of their conquests. Malta today is a modern and well-run island nation, with its illustrious laurels of history on full view. The walled city of Mdina, on Malta proper, is superbly evocative of the island’s medieval era. Descendants of the noble families — Norman, Sicilian, and Spanish — that ruled Malta centuries ago still inhabit the patrician palaces that line the shady streets here. In summer, the coastal resort towns of Sliema and St. Julian’s, just outside Valletta, come alive with holidaymakers and yacht-setters, and the cafe-filled promenades fronting the teal sea are the epitome of the Mediterranean good life.

Lamu: Exotic Enclave
Just 2 degrees south of the Equator, off the east coast of Kenya, Lamu is a place that seems stuck in time. For centuries, it was a bustling Indian Ocean port of call and an important link in the spice trade; that atmosphere is totally palpable here today. Lamu is like an exotic stage set that also happens to have amazing beaches. The streets of Lamu are quiet, cool, and car-free, lined with thick-walled white stone buildings, their arches and decorative cutouts evoking the centuries of Muslim influence here; Lamu was founded by Arab traders in the 1400s. The entire island has one proper town — the busy Lamu Town, which, as the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Monuments here include the turreted Lamu Fort and Riyadha Mosque (both from the 19th Century), but the most interesting sights are the much more ancient, nameless traditional houses, some of which date back to Lamu Town’s 14th-century foundations.
Ketujuh :( 7th)

Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego: El Fin del Mundo
Argentina and Chile
Several centuries ago, the only inhabitants of the southern extremity of South America were the native Yahgan Indians. To survive in the inhospitable climate of this land, the Yahgans made ample use of fire. The campfires continuously burning here were so numerous and so bright that when the first Europeans to explore the region saw them from the sea, they called the whole place Tierra del Fuego (“Land of Fire”). Today, the name Tierra del Fuego applies to the group of islands that make up the southern tips of both Argentina and Chile. Isla Grande — as its name suggests — is the largest landmass in the archipelago, with territories belonging to both those countries. Not far from Isla Grande, though it’s actually a separate small island in the Tierra del Fuego group, is the real southernmost tip of South America and one of the most fabled sites in the story of seafaring: Cape Horn. Before the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914, rounding “the Horn” was the only way for ships to get between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, and its hostile waters were — and still are — notorious for the challenges they posed to sailors. Strong winds and currents, enormous waves, and even icebergs sent many a seaman to his watery grave.

Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego: El Fin del Mundo
Argentina and Chile
Several centuries ago, the only inhabitants of the southern extremity of South America were the native Yahgan Indians. To survive in the inhospitable climate of this land, the Yahgans made ample use of fire. The campfires continuously burning here were so numerous and so bright that when the first Europeans to explore the region saw them from the sea, they called the whole place Tierra del Fuego (“Land of Fire”). Today, the name Tierra del Fuego applies to the group of islands that make up the southern tips of both Argentina and Chile. Isla Grande — as its name suggests — is the largest landmass in the archipelago, with territories belonging to both those countries. Not far from Isla Grande, though it’s actually a separate small island in the Tierra del Fuego group, is the real southernmost tip of South America and one of the most fabled sites in the story of seafaring: Cape Horn. Before the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914, rounding “the Horn” was the only way for ships to get between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, and its hostile waters were — and still are — notorious for the challenges they posed to sailors. Strong winds and currents, enormous waves, and even icebergs sent many a seaman to his watery grave.

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

nama masakan tradisional indonesia


* Gulee Itik
* Timpan
* Gulee Kepala Ikan Rambeu
* Kanji Rumbi
* Gulee Sirip Hiu
* Mi Aceh
* Nasi Goreng Aceh
* Dalca
* Kare Kameng
* Ungkut Kayee
* Gulee Pliek U
* Nasi Gurih
* Pulut
* Tumis Eungket Sure
* Manok Boh Jantung
* Dedah Boh Itik
* Gulee Sie Reuboh
* I Boh Timun
* Kopi Sanger
* Rujak U' Groeh
* Boh Rom Rom
* Martabak Aceh
* Bubur Kanji Rumbi

Sumatera Utara
* Tuak
* Lemang
* Arsik
* Uyen
* Tok-tok
* Sambel hebi
* Roti Ketawa
* Bika Ambon
* Bolu gulung
* Lapis legit
* Kwetiau
* Pangsit
* Pok pia
* Pisang molen
* Saksang
* Tanggo-tanggo
* Mutiara Bagan Siapi-api
* Soto Medan
Sumatera Barat

* Rendang (Daging Sapi, Paru, Ayam)
* Dendeng Balado
* Dendeng Batokok
* Gulai Joriang Batokok
* Gulai Paku
* Gulai Toco
* Pangek Masin
* Pangek Padeh atau Asam Padeh
* Kalio Dagiang
* Gulai Itiak
* Sambalado Tanak
* Gulai Banak
* Cancang
* Ikan Balado
* Ikan Baka
* Gulai Kambiang
* Soto padang
* Goreng Baluik
* Goreng Lauak
* Gulai Pucuak Ubi
* Gulai Cubadak
* Sate Padang
* Sate Pariaman
* Sate Padangpanjang
* Lontong Pitalah
* Lamang Tapai
* Katan Durian
* Katan Sarikayo
* Bubua Kampiun
* Bubua Kacang Padi
* Galamai
* Wajik
* Kipang Kacang
* Bareh Randang
* Rakik Maco
* Karupuak Balado
* Karupuak Sanjai
* Karupuak Jengkol/Joriang
* Palai Rinuak
* Pergedel Jaguang
* Pensi
* Sarabi
* Kue Putu
* Bika
* Sarang Balam
* Batiah
* Lamang Limo Kaum
* Dakak-Dakak Simabua
* Putu Padangpanjang
* Es Tebak
* Es Campua
* Teh Talua
* Sambal Ijo
* Ayam Pop
* Telor Balado
* Minyak Batanak
* Tolu-Tolu
* Sagon Bakar
* Gomok Bakar
* Ale-Ale
* Kalio Ayam
* Paru Goreng
* Gulai Kemumu
* Samouang
* Gulai Otak
* Ayam Bakar/Panggang
* Balado Bawal
* Daging Cuka Kering
* Sate Gadang


* Tempoyak
* Bolu Kojo
* Bolu Musibah
* Sele Nenas
* Gelamai Perentak
* Panggang Ikan Mas
* Sambal Blacan
* Rendang Ayam

Sumatera Selatan


* Burgo
* Bolu Lapis
* Bolu Kojo
* Bolu 8 Jam
* Bolu Lapis
* Engkak Ketan
* Celimpungan
* Empek-empek
* Empek-empek Kapal Selam
* Empek-empek Lenjer
* Empek-empek Lenggang
* Empek-empek Kulit
* Empek-empek Adaan
* Empek-empek Tahu
* Empek-empek Kerupuk
* Empek-empek Pistel
* Empek-empek Panggang
* Wajik Ketan
* Juadah Ketan
* Kerupuk
* Kemplang Goreng
* Kemplang Panggang
* Lempok Duren
* Tekwan
* Model
* Lepat Pisang
* Lakso
* Lenggang
* Maksuba
* Otak-Otak
* Srikayo

* Gulai Malbi
* Pindang Daging/Tulang
* Brengkes Udang
* Gangan Udang
* Gulai Tempoyak
* Brengkes
* Brengkes Tempoyak
* Ikan Pakasam
* Ikan Peda
* Ikan Rusip
* Pindang Ikan
* Ikan Pais
* Ikan Salai
* Pindang Salai
* Sayur Kasam
* Kluntup
* Pindang Jamur
* Sambal Goreng Campur
* Sambal Lingkung
* Sambal Kemang
* Sambal Kweni
* Sambal Mbacang
* Tempoyak
* Nasi Minyak
* Nasi Samin
* Nasi Lemak
* Es Kacang Merah


* Asam Padeh Ikan Baung (Ikan Patin)
* Ayam Goreng Balado
* Tempe Goreng Balado
* Teri Masak Asam Padeh
* Teri Lado Mudo
* Gendar Ketan Hitam
* Bangket Durian
* Kue Bangket Jeruk Nipis
* Juice Jagung Manis
* Air Mata Pengantin
* Laksamana Mengamuk
* Lenggang
* Kue 8 Jam
* Pais Udang
* Sayur Kasam
* Kluntup
* Pindang Jamur
* Sambal Goreng Campur


* Joglosemar
* keripik pisang


* Taoge Goreng
* Emping
* Sate Bandeng
* otak-otak
* Nasi Sumsum
* Rabeg
* Jojorong
* Cuwer
* Gipang
* Apem Putih
* Keceprek Melinjo

DKI Jakarta

* Soto Betawi
* Kerak Telor
* Sop Kaki Kambing
* Pindang Serani
* Pecak Salak
* Sayur Gabus Pucung
* Pecak Gurame
* Pindang Serani
* Semur Jengkol
* Sayur Besan
* Gado-gado Boplo
* Es Doger
* Es Teler
* Telubuk Sayur
* Pesmo Gurami
* Talam Udang
* Begana
* Nasi Goreng Kambing
* Nasi Uduk
* Ketoprak
* Bubur Ayam Betawi
* Nasi Bukhari
* Lontong Sayur Khas Betawi
* Semur Terung Betawi
* Kroket
* Bir Pletok
* Rujak Bebeg
* Taoge Goreng
* Dodol Legit
* Emping
* Roti Buaya
* Asinan Jakarta
* Geplak
* Ongol-Ongol
* Gado-gado
* Kue Rangi
* Soto Mi
* Cap Cay
* Ayam Goreng Mentega
* Risoles
* Banding Bakar Marunda
* Capsay Petai
* Kimlo
* Marak
* Bagane
* Nasi Kebuli
* Sayur Bebanci
* Kue Pepe
* Semur Betawi
* Nasi Goreng Gila

Jawa Barat


* Karedok
* Soto Bandung
* Batagor
* Es Doger
* Empal Gentong
* Laksa Bogor
* Bakso kocok
* Lotek
* Serabi
* Uli Bakar
* Colenak
* Tahu Sumedang
* Combro
* Colenak
* Misro
* Mie Kocok
* Nasi Timbel
* Sayur Asem
* Pepes Jamur
* Gurame Bakar
* Jagung Bakar
* Pepes Ikan Mas
* Serabi Oncom
* Ladu
* Pisang Bolen
* Peuyeum
* Roti Unyil
* Cireng
* Soto Mie
* Toge Goreng Jasinga Bogor
* Asinan Sukasari
* Gepuk
* Sambel Oncom
* Sayur Asam Kacang Merah
* Bajigur
* Es Goyobod


* Sega Jamblang
* Sega Lengko
* Empal Gentong
* Tahu gejrot


* Laksa
* Bir Kocok
* Serabi Bogor
* Tauge Goreng

Jawa Tengah dan DIY


* Sroto Sokaraja
* Gethuk goreng
* Tempe mendoan
* Lanting
* Sate Ambal
* Jenang Jaket
* Nopya
* Mino

* Tahu Pletok


* Bangket

- Adon-adon coro - Sop Udang - Lontong Campur - Horog-horog - Es Cendol

Pesisir Utara

* Soto Kudus
* Soto Tegal
* Sate Tegal
* Soto Semarang
* Lumpia Semarang
* Taoto
* Pindang
* Garang Asem
* Nasi megono
* Nasi Grombyang
* Sego Goreng Babat Semarang
* Tahu Gimbal Semarang

* Nasi Liwet
* Ayam Areh
* Tempe Tahu Bacem
* Sayur Labu Siam
* Timlo
* Dawet
* Intip Goreng
* Usus Goreng
* Tengkleng
* Mi Toprak
* Nasi Tumpang
* Gempol Pleret
* Ampyang
* Serabi Notosuman
* Semar Mendem
* Kulit Ayam Goreng
* Sosis Solo
* Wedang Dongo
* Nasi Tumpang
* Soto Gading
* Sate Buntel
* Ampyang Kacang
* Karak
* Bebek Balap


* Gudeg
* Nasi Pecel
* Opor Ayam
* Tongseng
* Cabuk Rambak
* Jadah Bacem
* Rujak Degan
* Bacem Ayam
* Kipo
* Lontong Kikil
* Bakmoy
* Gado-Gado
* Bakmi Jawa
* Yangko
* Sagon Ala Kota Gede
* Bebek Kremes
* Tumpeng
* Mangut Lele
* Geplak
* Sate Kocor
* Selat
* Lumpia Trubus
* Jadah Manten
* Opor Telur
* Sambel Goreng Krecek
* Roti Jok
* Bakpia
* Pecel
* Legomoro
* Wajik
* Nasi kucing
* Mi Tektek
* Bakpia
* Trancam
* Sate Winong
* Tempe Gembus
* Sate Manis
* Mega Mendung
* Bakmi Godog
* Sambal Goreng Krecek Kacang Tolo
* Bebek Suwar-Suwir
* Beer Djawa
* Urap
* Tempe Benguk
* Mendut
* Getuk
* Dendeng Age
* Growol
* Nasi Goreng Magelang

Jawa Timur

* Rawon
* Bakso
* Sate Ayam
* Soto Lamongan
* Soto Kediri
* Tumpang
* Rujak Soto
* Rujak Cingur
* Pecel Madiun
* Lontong Balap
* Jenang Apel
* Semanggi
* Tahu Lontong
* Tahu campur
* Tahu Tek
* Soto Madura
* Gado Gado
* Sego Gobyos
* Bata Anget
* Pottre Nyellem
* Nom Aeng
* Pokak Syarifah
* Wedang Sekojo
* Lepet Jagung
* Nasi Krawu
* Nasi Blawu
* Rempih Danggur
* Tahu Wa
* Teh Jahe Keningar
* Tempe Penyet
* Sego Tempong
* Nasi Becek


* Gulai
* Ja'pe Ayam
* Massa'pote
* Pedda
* Manto Keponakan
* Gangsa
* Maghadip
* Musawaroh
* Putre Nyelem
* Nomoeng
* Klepon
* Podak
* Bakwan Malang
* Tahu Kediri
* Kue Dolar


Makanan Utama

* Ayam betutu
* Babi guling
* Bandot
* Be Kokak Mekuah
* Be Pasih mesambel matah
* Bebek betutu
* Berengkes
* Grangasem
* Jejeruk
* Jukut Urab
* Komoh
* Lawar
* Nasi Bubuh
* Nasi Tepeng
* Penyon
* Sate Kablet
* Sate Lilit
* Sate pentul
* Sate penyu
* Sate Tusuk
* Timbungan
* Tum
* Urutan Tabanan


* Bubuh Sagu
* Bubuh Sumsum
* Bubuh Tuak
* Jaja Batun Duren
* Jaja Begina
* Jaja Bendu
* Jaja Bikang
* Jaja Engol
* Jaja Godoh
* Jaja Jongkok
* Jaja Ketimus
* Jaja Klepon
* Jaja Lak-Lak
* Jaja Sumping
* Jaja Tain Buati
* Jaja Uli misi Tape
* Jaja Wajik
* Kacang Rahayu
* Rujak Bulung
* Rujak Kuah Pindang
* Rujak Manis
* Rujak Tibah
* Salak Bali

Nusa Tenggara Barat

* Ayam Taliwang
* Sate Bulayak
* Plecing Kangkung

Kalimantan Barat

* Lempok
* Sate Manis
* Cah Kangkung Belacan
* Ganepuk Telur
* Manisan Dorong
* Kue Bingka Kentang
* Ayam Bakar
* Kwetiauw Siram
* Tar Piring
* Air Tahu
* Gulai Pakis
* Nasi Tomat
* Dangi
* Sari Kacang Hijau

Kalimantan Selatan

* Soto Banjar
* Amparan Tatak Pisang
* Amparan Tatak Sagu
* Pundut Nasi
* Bingka Barandam
* Putri Selat
* Bakar-bakaran
* Gangan-ganganan
* Mandai Basang
* Sambal Goreng Pakasam

Sulawesi Utara


* Apang
* Apang kenari
* Apang coe
* Bagea
* Balapis
* Biapong
* Biji biji Jenever
* Binyolos
* Bluder/brudel
* Bobengka
* Cucur
* Dodol Kenari
* Halua Kenari
* Kacang goyang
* Kacang Kawangkoan
* Klappertaart
* Kolomben
* Koyabu
* Kukis Kelapa
* Lalampa
* Lampu lampu
* Manisan pala
* Panada
* Popaco
* Susen
* Wajik


* Ayam Rica-Rica
* Ayam isi di bulu
* Ayam Masak Paniki
* Babi Putar
* Babi tore
* Cakalang Bakar Rica
* Cakalang Fufu
* Cakalang Rica-Rica
* Dabu dabu Lilang
* Ikan Bakar Rica
* Ikan Kuah
* Ikan Tikus
* Ikan Ular Patola
* Ikan Monyet
* Lapis
* Midaal
* Masak Paniki
* Nasi Bungkus
* Nasi Jaha
* Pampis
* Pepes Ikan mas
* Ragei/ Sate ba'
* Roa
* RW
* Sa'ut
* Sayor Leilem
* Sayor Pangi
* Sayor Ganemo
* Sayor daong popaya
* Sayor bunga popaya
* Sayor pakis
* Sup Brenebon
* Tinutuan/Bubur Manado
* Tinorangsak
* Tuturuga
* Woku belanga


* Es Kacang merah
* Gohu
* Cap Tikus
* Pinaraci
* Saguer

Sulawesi Selatan


* Apang Paranggi
* Bannang bannang
* Barongko
* Baruasa
* Bassang
* Beppa Janda
* Biji-biji
* Bipang
* Bolu Peca
* Bolu rampah
* Cucuru Bayao
* Dange
* Deppa Tori'
* Doko'-doko'unti/Nagasari
* Doko doko Cangkuling/ cangkuning
* Golla golla ganepo
* Golla tare'
* Indo' Bade'/Bolu Toraja
* Jalang Kote'
* Kacang Sinjai
* Katri sala
* Katri mandi
* Kue Putu
* Labu Palu
* Onde onde tawaro
* Pallu Butung
* Paserrek
* Pisang Epe
* Pisang Ijo
* Putu Cangkiri
* Roti pawa
* Sakko sakko
* Tello Penyyu
* Taripang


* Baro'bo
* Bolu Kambu
* Buras
* Coto Makassar
* Kapurung
* Lappa'-lappa'
* Lawa
* Mie Titi'
* Nasu Cempa
* Pallu Basa
* Pallu Butung
* Pallu Kacci
* Pallu Kaloa
* Pallu Mara
* Pacco'
* Peca sura
* Piong/Lemang Toraja
* Sayur Tuttu'
* Songkolo'/Sokko'
* Sop Kikil
* Sop Konro
* Sop Saudara
* Sop Ubi
* Tollo' Burak
* Tollo' Pa'karing
* Tollo' Pammarasan
* Tollo' Semba
* Tollo' Utan Bulunangko
* Tollo' Utan Pangi


* Ballo/ Tuak
* Sara'bba

Sulawesi Tenggara

* Soami (Daerah Buton dan Wakatobi)
* Kambalu (Daera Wangi-wangi)
* Luluta (Daera Wangi-wangi)
* Heb'atu (Daera Wangi-wangi)
* Gule-gule (Daera Wangi-wangi)
* Susuru (Daera Wangi-wangi)


* Colo-colo
* Papeda
* Nasi Lapola
* Sambal Pepaya
* Acar Kuning Ala Maluku
* Ikan Bakar dengan Colo-Colo
* Sayur Ganemu
* Ulang-ulang
* Pisang Rampai
* Puding Sagu
* Kohu-Kohu dengan Kasbi Rebus

* Ikan Bakar Manokwari
* Aunu
* Ikan Bungkus
* Anuve Habre
* Ikan Kuah Kuning
* Aunu Senebre
* Eurimoo


* Mi Goreng
* Bihun Goreng
* Nasi Goreng Kari Kambing
* Nasi Goreng Jawa
* Nasi Goreng Jambal Petai
* Nasi Goreng Babat
* Nasi Goreng Kuning
* Nasi Langgi
* Nasi Kuning
* Nasi Begana
* Lontong Kari
* Nasi Goreng Putih

Kue Tradisional Fermentasi

* Kue Mangkuk Gula Merah
* Perut Ayam
* Apem Kuah
* Panada
* Pukis Kelapa
* Pukis
* Apem Kuk
* Apem Tepung Beras
* Apem Ceylon
* Bika Ambon